
Further information:

Grew up in the Catholic countryside in a secular family. First child of the family to graduate from high school and go to university. Living a dream that will remain a dream for many.

Learned early on that life cannot be planned and that it is not worth planning for. Provided for in and by the church. Breadless art of theology and philosophy. Fascinated by French philosophy in the 20th century and by Jewish inspirations for Christian theology. 

Then, for the sake of the family, chose breadwinning over art: 17 years at McKinsey, in the heart of capitalism. Inspired by the dynamism, analytical sharpness and proximity to the big questions of our time. Benefited from great people all around the world.

Now back in philosophy. A differentiated look back – at people in the economy, at the inadequacies of the system and the disempowerment of the individual, at the threat to benevolence in the system of self-interest.

Write and talk to build bridges, or perhaps bridgeheads first. Between the economy and the world, between France and Germany, between philosophy and theology.


They say
a poet is someone who joins together words

That’s not true.

A poet is someone whom words halfway join together

If he is lucky.

If he is unlucky, the words tear him apart.

Erich Fried