You always find yourself in a context: you write from it and towards it. Mine is theology and philosophy, but also 17 years of professional experience in the world of business, a world that offers everything but time to think.
Philosophy & Theology
The philosophers had only interpreted the world differently, it was important to change it, said Karl Marx; and Walter Benjamin wrote that theology was small and ugly and should not be seen.
Apparently, we don’t need philosophy nor theology in our modern world, that we are changing ever faster without really understanding it. We have found our guiding science in economics. It helps us to manage the constant acceleration of modernity.
Philosophy, on the other hand, needs time. And according to Emmanuel Levinas time happens in the encounter with the other human being. Therefore, the question of the other, of my responsibility for him, is the first question of man; not the question of self-interest. By only accelerating and optimising we risk our humanity.
A theologian and philosopher has the responsibility to remind us of this.
The author questions himself. Every text is the result of such questioning.
Only this gives rise to that fragile authority that mistrusts reality and seeks the truth.
As an alternative to a limited liability company, the company of the author means responsibility for this difference.
The fact that he can only fail does not speak against him.
You will find more about my context and the motives underlying my writing in my texts and talks, but also under the menu item About me. To stay up to date, you can subscribe to a newsletter.